Vaccine Choice is Used by Most Americans

Vaccine choice doesn’t only apply to vax-free children. For those of you supporting stricter mandates—you may be currently utilizing the SAME medical choice that’s on the chopping block and not even realize it. 

According to the CDC (source links below):

✅ 73.1% of adults (18-49) OPT-OUT of the flu vaccine. 3 out of 4 adults—parents of school-aged children (where stricter mandates are being proposed)—used their own medical CHOICE and decided NOT to get the vaccine last year due to low efficacy and reported side effects.

✅ 15% of parents OPT-OUT of the chicken pox vaccine for their child because many feel chicken pox is a mild childhood virus, and not risky enough to require a vaccine.

✅ 51% of teens OPT-OUT of the full HPV series. Half of U.S. teens and their parents utilize medical CHOICE each year by deciding NOT to get the full vaccine series due to the reported risks and adverse reactions associated with the vaccine.

✅ 10% of parents OPT-OUT of the Hepatitis B vaccine for their child because many parents do not agree with giving a newborn/infant 3 doses of a vaccine for a sexually-transmitted disease that is not transmitted through casual contact.

Did any of the above scenarios👆include you? Have you EVER skipped a dose…ever? What if you couldn’t. People don’t seem to realize they are exercising VACCINE CHOICE every single time they decline *even one dose* of a “recommended vaccine”. More and more of the CDC recommended doses are becoming mandated for school entry, or as a condition of employment. Because every single body is unique, medicine—including vaccines—should not be universally prescribed. And because there is guaranteed harm to a certain percentage of individuals, medicine—including vaccines—should never be mandated.


To Recap: Most Americans are selectively vaccinating themselves or their children. The majority of adults are nowhere near “up to date” on the the CDC adult schedule, and many pro-vaccine parents opt-out of certain doses for their children. Removing exemptions with stricter mandates takes away that right to opt-out of even one dose, so you may want to think twice before lending your support to one of the dozens of bills popping up all over the country. This is bigger than simply believing in vaccines. You can be pro-vaccine and still support medical choice—it’s one of our most fundamental rights.

Medical choice works for all of us…even you. 👍…/fluvax…/coverage-1718estimates.htm…/data…/varicella/reports/2016.html…/2018/p0823-HPV-vaccination.html


The Ethical Conversation Surrounding Mandatory Vaccination


Why Herd Immunity Doesn’t Apply to Vaccines