A passion for educating and helping parents.
Who We Are.
Immunity Education Group is a non-profit 501c3 corporation dedicated to informing parents and other citizens about current vaccinations and infectious diseases, ways to increase immunity and health in children and adults, and the importance of voluntarily making medical decisions with a trusted healthcare provider. We are a community of medical and legal professionals, businesspersons, educators, journalists, and advocates who are passionate about immunity education and the right to informed consent.
Our team has trained at many prestigious universities and medical centers including Georgetown, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Loma Linda Hospital, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Dartmouth, UC San Diego, and Hofstra School of Law. Our doctors and nurses include members of the American Academy of Pediatrics, are trained in both mainstream and Integrative/Holistic Medicine, and work in a variety of settings including private practice, hospitals, medical schools, and Public Health Departments. Our business professionals include lawyers, computer scientists, former Pharmaceutical sales reps, wealth management consultants, upper-level academic educators, software engineers and others who have worked for US Attorney’s offices, The United Way, and The American Cancer Society. Members of our team have appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, Fox News, ABC News, and other news outlets. Our work has been featured in the New York Times, Orange County Register, Washington Post, Contemporary Pediatrics, Newsweek, and the cover of Smithsonian magazine, and together we have written over a dozen books on children and family health.

Immunity Education Group, home of The Vaccine Conversation, is dedicated to providing more balanced and objective information regarding immunizations and infectious diseases while also acknowledging the importance of maintaining informed consent and medical freedom.
Immunity Friendly Medical Professionals
(Coming Soon!)
Looking for a like-minded medical professional to advise you on vaccinations, infectious diseases, and strengthening immunity? We are currently compiling a list of providers and will post them here soon. Our growing list will include medical doctors (MD), doctors of osteopathy (DO), naturopathic doctors (ND), homeopathic doctors, chiropractors, practitioners of acupuncture/acupressure/Chinese medicine, nutritionists, lactation consultants, midwives, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other integrative and traditional medical practitioners. Medical practices will be listed on our IFMP list which will be posted as a link from our home page.
Mission Statement
Immunity Education Group is dedicated to providing more balanced and objective information regarding immunizations and infectious diseases while also acknowledging the importance of maintaining informed consent and medical freedom. Our main goals are to 1) better equip parents to make educated decisions for their families in partnership with their trusted healthcare provider, and 2) help the public have more educated and productive conversations with friends, family, and other members of their community about the complexity of today’s vaccination debate.
The Need.
There is a concerted effort in the legislative, medical, and pharmaceutical arenas to impose mandatory immunizations nationwide. Recent small and short-lived outbreaks of diseases have provided lawmakers, the media, and well-funded medical and pharmaceutical organizations with the hype and hysteria necessary to make national mandatory vaccinations appear necessary to the public. Politicians are seeking to make health care decisions for you, and these legislative battles are now being waged in every state.
What We Believe.
Most Americans agree they do not want any medical interventions to become mandatory for the public, whether it be immunizations, psychiatric medications, antibiotics, or invasive medical procedures. Medicine should always be a free choice, and informed consent without coercion is a right guaranteed by every international organization. Parents, not lawmakers, should always retain the right to make medical decisions for their children.
Our Goal.
Immunity Education Group was formed to help support your right to make personal health care choices by providing a more inclusive and accurate counterpoint to the health information managed and circulated by pharmaceutically-funded health care entities. We seek to help shift the public’s perception of infectious diseases and of our immunization system from one of fear and coercion to one of knowledge and empowerment. Through media outreach, speaking events, public service announcements, online media campaigns, and by providing support and education to other like-minded groups, our goal is to provide the public with the tools necessary to engage friends, colleagues, and family members in thoughtful, respectful, and educated conversation.
Non-Profit Credentials
Immunity Education Group is an official 501c3 non-profit corporation registered in the State of California. All necessary legal documents have been submitted to the IRS and our non-profit status is confirmed. We appreciate your support.