New York Supreme Court Makes Honorable Decision in Preserving Medical Rights

A New York City policy, set to go into effect Jan.1, 2016, that would have mandated flu vaccines for NY city-regulated preschools and daycares was OVERTURNED yesterday by the New York supreme court. Five families sued the City, claiming health officials overstepped their authority by mandating the invasive and elective medical procedure. According to their attorney, “parents would be forced to violate the fundamental right to bodily integrity, among other fundamental rights, and inject their child with the flu shot against their desires and judgement.”

One difference between the law that was passed in CA and the law that was overturned in NY is that the CA law was created by the state Legislature, whereas the NY policy was created by city health officials. Medical mandate laws are ethically wrong for children and adults because of inherent side effects with any medical procedure – this court got it right by honoring the principles of medical ethics and informed consent.

Read more details about how this group of five moms presented their case from last month’s story in the NY Daily News at the first link below. A press conference with the group is tentatively scheduled for 11 am Eastern time today. You can read the Supreme Court’s statement at the second link.


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Schools and Districts are Legally Required to Follow the Intention and Language of SB 277