European Court Rules Correlation and Timing of Vaccination DOES Prove Injury

With more and more stories of adverse vaccine reactions coming forward, both nationally and abroad, the public is starting to realize vaccines can have severe side effects. But vaccine manufactures and medical organizations continue to deny harm is even possible, repeating the branded mantra “vaccines are safe and effective.” This is why most victims of severe vaccine injury, especially Americans, have a difficult time legally proving a vaccine caused harm, even when that harm has already happened to numerous others, has been published in many research studies, is listed on the vaccine’s list of possible side effects, and occurred within hours of that vaccine dose.

Thankfully, this may be changing. The EU Court of Justice handed down a decision this week that overturned this long-held “no absolute proof, no harm” policy. The court ruled that proof of vaccine injury can be made by:

  • The temporal proximity between the administering of a vaccine and the occurrence of a disease (or injury)for example, a seizure and nerve damage occurring within a few days of vaccination.

  • The lack of personal and familial history of the person vaccinated – meaning, that injury or disease wouldn’t have been expected to occur in that person based on familial diseases.

  • The existence of a significant number of reported cases of the disease (or injury) occurring following such vaccines.

The Court’s decision came after a French man suddenly developed multiple sclerosis shortly after completing the hepatitis B vaccine series and eventually died. Because it would be impossible to prove with absolute certainty that the vaccine was related, a Paris court initially ruled against his claim. But the EU Court of Justice stepped in and ruled that all vaccine injury claims should consider a wider range of facts and circumstances. The court ruled that because this man had no family history of MS, along with the fact that there are many published research studies describing onset of MS following hepatitis B vaccination and that this man’s symptoms started right after vaccination, European vaccine courts must consider that such facts “constitute sufficient evidence to make out such proof.”

This is a promising step in acknowledging the connection between vaccines, injuries, and chronic diseases. Today’s aggressive vaccination schedule, recommended by the CDC, stipulates all children receive 70 doses of vaccines by the time they finish high school. While every child’s body is unique, the vaccine schedule is one-size-fits-all. And as a result of the ever expanding schedule, we are seeing more and more instances of vaccine reactions, both moderate and severe. While American vaccine manufacturers can’t be sued for this damage, due to a release of liability given to them by the government in 1986, most countries worldwide do hold their pharmaceutical companies responsible for severe injuries. And accountability cannot be required without acknowledging the initial injuries, something these expanded criteria are encouraging. Hopefully other nations, including ours, will follow suit.



EU Court of Justice Press Release, June 21, 2017

CNN coverage, with Pharma’s response insisting vaccines are “safe and effective.”

Multiple Published Studies Showing Increased Risk of MS from Hep B Vaccine:

Vaccines and risk of Multiple Sclerosis, JAMA Neurology 2014

Vaccinations and Multiple Sclerosis, Neurological Sciences 2001

Hepatitis B vaccine and Multiple Sclerosis: A Prospective Study, Neurology 2004

Central nervous system demyelination and hepatitis b vaccination, Revue Neurologique 2000

Hepatitis b vaccination and CNS inflammatory demyelination, Neurology 2009


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